Thank you for your interest in MDS
In this course you will gain knowledge of the RAI process, learn the MDS 3.0 assessment types as well as the purpose of both the RAI process and MDS 3.0 Assessments.
Yvette Ford CEO & Founder
"I like many others didn't enter into nursing with an idea or plan for my career path. I didn't start thinking about my it until well after my career started. I love being a clinician and I love working in the nursing home setting.
When the opportunity to learn MDS came up, I hesitated. I had all the wrong assumptions and thought it would limit me as a nurse. I could not have been more wrong. I have been able to grow as a critical thinker, broaden my skillset and increase my worth. All thanks to my years as an MDS Coordinator."
Last Made First LLC, is approved as a provider of continuing nursing education by the Kansas State Board of Nursing. This course offering is approved for 2.0 contact hours applicable to APRN, RN, or LPN relicensure. Kansas State Board of Nursing Provider Number #LT0319-0623