Your Journey to Owning Your Career Starts Here

Last Made First offers courses, cohorts and virtual packages to empower and equip nurses who are ready to jump off the hamster wheel of bedside care and walk toward the nursing career of their desire.

Here at Last Made First, the courses are in a format that is broken down making the information easy to digest, understand and implement.

Our online courses allow you to go at your own pace and our bundle packages offer the opportunity for virtual coaching sessions with our CEO and Nurse Strategist, Yvette Ford MBA, BSN, RAC-CT

Yvette Ford MBA, BSN, RAC-CT

Nurse Strategist

CEO & Founder

Thank you for taking taking this first step in plotting out a career roadmap that will shift you from burnout towards fulfillment. I am excited to be on this journey with you as you rediscover the call to nursing.